ISSN (Print) 1998-4634
ISSN (Online) 2708-0226
Author Guidelines
Content Of The Paper
- In the main text introduction the relevance of the theme, theoretical and practical significance in the context of the main tasks of modern historical science should be substantiated.
- A brief overview should be given of what has already been done regarding this problem by researchers, how this topic has been covered so far. It should be indicated what inspired the author to call the attention to this theme (absolute uncoverage, certain issues are not clarified, the statements of the previous researchers require clarification, disagreement of the author with generally accepted scientific and theoretical positions, a completely new look at the problem, etc.).
- The author should briefly state the purpose of his paper and its main objectives.
- The exposition of the main ideas of the manuscript should be logically consecutive, indicating the time and place of the event, personified (where necessary). Each point of the paper should be substantiated by concrete factual data with references to sources and bibliography.
- The paper should not be overloaded with similar, insignificant or random data. Numerous facts of the same order should be integrated into a table that should have a heading and an indication of the sources on which the tables, graphs, charts, etc. are based.
- The paper should be creative, independent, and exclude any attempt of plagiarism. When using the ideas, thoughts, and/or statements of other authors it is necessary to cite them.
- The discussion points raised in the paper will contribute to raising its scientific level, and the author's personal opinion will testify to a fresh, impartial look at the problem.
- The submitted scientific work should be finalized with the conclusions, which the author came to, studying the chosen theme. These conclusions should testify to that novelty, the contribution that the author made in solving a certain problem.
- In the paper, a brief personal information in two languages: language the paper is written in and English (full name, year of birth, academic degree, rank, place of employment, home or work address, contact phone number, e-mail address) – is OBLIGATORY.
Format Text And Paragraph Of Body
- Manuscripts in Ukrainian or English should be sent by e-mail to
- Text formatting: paper size: A-4 (210x297 mm), top, bottom and right margins – 20 mm, left margin – 30 mm, character size – 14, spacing – 1.5, «Times New Roman».
WARNING! When writing centuries, we use only Arabic numbers - 19th century, 21st century...
This is due to the fact that Roman numerals are incorrectly perceived by databases and search engines
The general structure of the article is as follows:
In the upper left corner – UDC index, immediately underneath in the center – the title of the paper in capital letters.
After the title – author’s name and surname, place of work, e-mail address, international digital identifier ORCID.
Below is the body of the paper.
ATTENTION! In the text the author / authors should not be mentioned. If there is a footnote, the word Auth. should be written in parentheses in italics. For example: (author's note – Auth.). In the text there should be no phrases «the author has researched», «the author has done», «see our previous works», «the paper is the continuation of our work ... » and have appropriate references. If the author tells about his work, about his previous researches, he tells about it from the THIRD PERSON. For example, «... the Ukrainian researcher V. Ivanov in the paper «America-Russia Relations at the Present Stage» describes the relationship of the Russian Federation and the United States at the initial stage of the presidency of D. Trump ... ». At the same time, the author of the paper is V. Ivanov.
It means that from the text of the paper the reviewer should not get any information about the author. This is required by the policy of blind reviewing.
However, if this can not be avoided (for example, the paper describes the results of many years of research on the archaeological site, or long-term archaeological research, etc., and the paper is a continuation of previous works), two versions of the paper are submitted for reviewing, where there are no references to the previous works in the second version.
- ORCID. To get international ID, you should sign up at ORCID ( The ID is free.
Instructions for registration (download). We appreciate site ПАН БІБЛІОТЕКАР for the given instructions. The example of editor-in-chief filled out ORCID:
- The length of the paper should not be less than 1.0 quire (40,000 characters with spaces, with links, but without annotations) nor exceed 1.5 quire (60,000 characters with spaces).
- The paper should be written in literary Ukrainian or English. It should have extended (2000-2500 characters) abstracts and KEYWORDS IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE PAPER (no more than 7 words or phrases).
- At the bottom of the footnotes page are made according to State Standard of 2015: author, title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, reference page or total number of pages.
Rules for citing of works and archival sources (State Standard 8302: 2015)
7. At the end of the paper, a references list should be arranged (ATTENTION! Sources must not be submitted) according to the Latin alphabet under the title References using the APA style (American Psychological Association).
In details –
References for publications in Ukrainian, Russian or other Cyrillic languages to present in English.
Bilaniuk, O.P. (2012). Current state and prospects of international tourism development in Ukrainian-Polish relations. Ekonomika. Upravlinnya. Innovatsiya: elektronne naukove fakhove vydannya, 2. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Bilokin, S. (1999). The defeat of the Kyiv Diocesan Administration in 1923. Kyivska Starovyna, 1, 101-121 [in Ukrainian].
Hrushevskyi, M. (1996). History of Ukraine-Rus. Kyiv: n.d. [in Ukrainian].
Photos, drawings, schemes, etc. should be given in a separate file in .tiff, .jpg, .jpeg. format. They can be of higher quality, but not less than 300dpi.
- If necessary, you can write thanks (expressing official gratitude to individuals or institutions that contributed to the research, point to the sources of funding: a grant, a scholarship, etc.).
Submitting the paper to the journal, the author gives his consent to posting the published papers and adding personal information about the authors (full name, place of work, address) to the scientific databases, which include «Eminak», and also agrees to all journal requirements and editorial policy.
We ask the authors to pay attention and follow the accepted rules for processing materials.
ATTENTION! Only the papers with the number of co-authors not more than 3 in one paper are accepted for publication.
Extended (Longer) Abstract Guidelines
Structure of extended abstract:
1) general information (title of the paper, name and surname of the author / authors, affiliation (place of work, e-mail address), ORCID;
2) introduction (the pupose of research paper), the scientific novelty, conclusions. Each component should be a new paragraph;
3) keywords.
Detailed guidelines for extended abstract
In the extended abstract it is necessary to show the essential facts of the work, it should not exceed or contain material that is missing in the main text of the publication.
The structure of the abstract should repeat the structure of the paper and contain the introduction, purpose and objectives, methods, findings and argument, conclusions, recommendations.
The objective, topic, and aim of the work are specified if they are not clear from the title of the paper; the method or methodology of the work should be described if they are new or interesting from the point of view of this work.
The results of the work should be stated accurately and informatively. The main results, actual data, discovered relationships and regularities should be presented. At the same time, preference should be given to new results and long-term data, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as to data that, in the author's opinion, are of practical importance.
Conclusions can be followed by recommendations, estimates, suggestions, hypotheses described in the paper.
It is important to avoid unnecessary phrases (for example, «the author of the paper considers...», «this paper gives...»). Historical backgrounds, if they are not the main content of the document, the description of previously published works and commonly known facts in the abstract should not be given.
Avoid complex sentences. Sentences should be, as far as possible, short and informative.
The text should be laconic and clear, free of minor information, extra parentheses, general and insignificant statements.
In the text of the abstract non-international terminology should be avoided. Shortenings and conventional symbols, unless widely recognized and understood, should be used in exceptional cases or their definitions should be given at the first mentioning.
The authors of the papers pay the editorial fee (APC), which amounts to $350 (for EU - 350€).
Please contact the editorial office regarding the fee of publishing an article.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.