Stages of Historical Development of Azerbaijan Education System: From the 19th Century to the Period of Independence
The purpose of the research paper is to study the main stages of Azerbaijan education system’s historical development from the 19th century to the period of independence by analyzing key educational reforms and their impact in different eras, including Tsarist Russia, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, and various Soviet periods, emphasizing their contribution to the cultural and intellectual development of the nation.
The scientific novelty is in the comprehensive analysis of the development of Azerbaijan education system over several historical periods. Summarizing various sources and exploring little-known reforms and regional specificities, the complex relationship between political changes and educational policy is uncovered, bringing a new perspective on the evolution of the educational landscape of Azerbaijan.
Conclusions. The historical development of the education system in Azerbaijan has been marked by significant transformations under the influence of various political, social, and economic changes. Each stage has contributed much to the evolution of educational policy and infrastructure from the tsarist era to the period of independence. The tsarist period laid the foundation for secular education, combining traditional and up-to-date subjects. That era was marked by introducing the Russian language and culture into the local education system.
The period of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic led to important reforms aimed at creating a national education system. Establishing Baku State University and supporting students studying abroad enhanced the nation’s intellectual and cultural growth.
Under Soviet rule, significant progress was made in expanding access to education and increasing literacy rates. The Soviet emphasis on education led to the establishment of numerous schools and higher education institutions, although it also imposed ideological restrictions that affected the content and trends of study programs.
The collapse of the USSR necessitated the creation of a national education system free from Soviet influence, which laid the foundation for future achievements.
In general, the evolution of the education system in Azerbaijan reflects a complex interaction of external influences and internal reforms. Each historical period has contributed to forming a solid educational base, laying the foundation for further progress after gaining independence. Understanding the history is crucial for assessing the current state of education in Azerbaijan and planning its future development.
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