Structural and Functional Model of Organization of Agricultural Societies in Ukraine in the 19th and 20th Centuries
The purpose of the research paper is to analyze the transformational changes in the structural and functional model of agricultural societies organization in Ukraine in the 19th and 20th centuries.
The scientific novelty is in the comprehensive consideration of the phenomenon of agricultural societies in Ukraine in the imperial, Soviet, and modern periods, tracking evolutionary changes in their structure and functions under the influence of the main political and ideological factors. The authors focus specifically on a comparative analysis of the structural and functional model of such associations during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Conclusions. It has been found that the structural and functional model of the organization of the first agricultural societies in Ukraine in the 19th century was based on the initiative of local territorial communities and was subsequently actively supported at the state level, primarily through legislative regulation. Those organizations, operating exclusively on democratic principles, became centers for developing scientific research in agronomy on the ground and later played a generating role in establishing new collective forms of work through specialized research institutions.
It has been proven that the structural and functional model of the Soviet period societies was radically different: all previously existing associations since the 1920s were gradually incorporated into academic structures (the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, later the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR), or those that initially were formed in the system of state-controlled bodies, in particular, trade unions.
It has been stated that by the end of the 1920s, the following groups of public and scientific associations functioned in Ukraine: local history societies; universal scientific societies at the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences; independently functioning scientific societies (outside the structure of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences); narrowly specialized agricultural societies of a cooperative orientation; and All-Union (later – republican) sectoral scientific and technical societies in the system of trade unions. It was the latter category of societies that had become dominant in the structure of public associations of researchers and experts in the sector until the end of the 1980s. In addition, from the 1940s onwards, academic scientific societies began to be established at the specialized scientific and research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.
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