Jewish International and Intercontinental Migrations of the end of the 19th – the first half of the 20th Century on the Materials of Foreign Publications

Keywords: Jewish settlers, first and second aliyah, bibliography, intercontinental and international migration


In the late nineteenth – the first half of the twentieth century, Jewish intercontinental migrations became one of the central aspects of the political, economic, cultural and social development of the changing world. Taking into account the attention that migrants attracted to public discourse, foreign scholars researched them a lot. But the results of those researches in Ukraine are still unknown. Such are the main reasons for writing this paper.

The purpose of the work is to make a historiographic analysis of intercontinental Jewish migrations in the late nineteenth – the first half of the twentieth century and to recognize their importance and role for the economic, political, cultural, and social development of certain regions that became the objects of intercontinental migrations. The main objectives of this research are: to study the dominant paradigms in historiography, which determined both historical and socio-scientific approaches to the research of migrations; to study the status of Jews in the late nineteenth – the first half of the twentieth century, depending on their location; to get acquainted with the main reason and result of Jewish intercontinental migrations and their periodization; and so on according to the works of foreign scholars.

A great amount of literature is now available for those who are trying to write the history of Jewish international and intercontinental migrations over the last two hundred years in Israeli archival and library collections. Among them: libraries and databases of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the National Library of Israel, the Central Zionist Archives and the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People Jerusalem, which keep archives of hundreds of Jewish communities from all over the world.


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How to Cite
Lasinska, M. (2018). Jewish International and Intercontinental Migrations of the end of the 19th – the first half of the 20th Century on the Materials of Foreign Publications. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, 2(4 (24), 138-143. Retrieved from
Historiography, Source Study and Special Historical Disciplines