Kyiv Agricultural Syndicate (1894-1919): Main Areas of Activity for Needs of Agriculture in Ukraine
The purpose of the research paper is to analyze the main areas of activity of Kyiv Agricultural Syndicate (1894-1919), aimed at the development of agriculture and agricultural industry in the territory of Ukraine.
The scientific novelty of the study is in a comprehensive assessment of all components of Kyiv Agricultural Syndicate’s activity in the needs of agriculture, based on the documents introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
Conclusions. The main tasks of Kyiv Agricultural Syndicate, which functioned from 1894 to 1919, included assisting agrarians in the purchase of inexpensive but high-quality products and household items, agricultural machines and tools, as well as in the sale of rural goods on domestic and foreign markets without services of mediators.
Along with the mediation and supply functions, the Syndicate faced several important scientific and practical tasks: establishing laboratories and research stations with the aim of helping both its members and the development of agriculture in the region. Kyiv Agricultural Syndicate, along with a number of professional agricultural societies and other associations, had significant merit in the organizational support for the development of seed control in the territory of Ukraine in the late 19th – early 20th century.
The establishment in 1897 of Kyiv Seed Control Station and Chemical Laboratory, with the support of the Syndicate, contributed to systematic scientific research on the quality of sowing seeds and other agricultural products. In the scientific literature, there was an established opinion, that the Station and the Laboratory, invariably headed by well-known agrarian scientists P.R. Sliozkin (1897-1900), S.L. Frankfurt (1900-1913), and V.V. Zadler (1913-1919), became the seed control centers for sugar beet production in the South-Western region of the Russian Empire, havin theoretically, methodically, and practically initiated a new trend in domestic seed production – quality control of seed material.
The Entomological Station, established at Kyiv Agricultural Syndicate in 1903 (later – the Plant Pest Control Station), thanks to the work of the outstanding zoologist and entomologist V.P. Pospelov, became the first institution of its kind in the Russian Empire. The Station made a significant contribution to the protection of agricultural plants from pests.
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