Family Chronicles of the Barvinskyis and ‘Rediscovery’ of Gentry in Ukrainian Genealogy of Galicia

Keywords: gentry, genealogy, the Barvinskyis family, Bohdan Barvinskyi


The purpose of the research paper is to analyze the work of Galician Ukrainians at the end of the 19th – the first third of the 20th century on the genealogy of gentry families.

The scientific novelty. The trends in the development of Ukrainian genealogy in Galicia at the end of the 19th century – the first third of the 20th century are traced, and materials of the Barvinskyis family fund are introduced into scientific circulation.

Conclusions. The formation of Ukrainian scientific genealogy in Galicia took place in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, the attention of scholars was focused on the study of ancient princely families, which could be explained both by the political situation and the concept of the past that they upheld. Against the background of the spread of Ukrainophilism among Galician Ukrainians, a certain ‘rediscovery’ of the gentry was taking place, associated with a rethinking of its place and role in the life of the people, an awareness of strata and national belonging, and an attempt to go beyond the previous narrative of Ukrainian history.

Unpublished chronicles of the Barvinskyis reflect such changes. The first of them, prepared by Father Ipolyt Barvinskyi in the 1870s – 1880s, was a record of several generations of priestly families and did not reach beyond the middle of the 18th century. The genealogical study conducted by Volodymyr Barvinskyi in the 1890s was of a different nature: it emphasized the gentry origin of the family. Work on the chronicle was continued by the historian Bohdan Barvinskyi. He expanded the source base of the study, which made it possible to make corrections to the works of his predecessors and increase their volume. The materials obtained in the search process were used by B. Barvinskyi in several other publications, including genealogical and biographical ones.

The works of B. Barvinskyi showed the intensification of studies on the genealogy of the Ukrainian gentry in Galicia. In the interwar period, work in this field was continued by other local scholars, in particular Ivan-Yulian Shpytkovskyi and Mykola Holubets.


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How to Cite
Tseluiko, O. (2024). Family Chronicles of the Barvinskyis and ‘Rediscovery’ of Gentry in Ukrainian Genealogy of Galicia. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (2(46), 275-291.
Modern History