Grain Operations in Ukrainian Ports During the Famine of 1921-1923

Keywords: Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Ukrainian ports, grain operations, famine of 1921-1923, port infrastructure


The purpose of the paper is a historical and economic analysis of grain operations in Ukrainian ports during the famine of 1921–1923.

The scientific novelty of the work consists of the comprehensive reconstruction of export-import and humanitarian grain operations in Ukrainian ports, highlighting the process of restoring the port infrastructure for the needs of grain transit during the famine of 1921–1923.

Conclusions. The conducted historical and economic analysis of grain operations in Ukrainian ports during 1921-1923 breaks stereotypes about the constant and stable functioning of the port infrastructure, which was directed exclusively to the sea export of grain from Ukraine. In 1921, Ukrainian ports were involved in the export of bread from Ukrainian provinces to the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (domestic export). Rivers and small seaports played the main role in this process. Their infrastructure was used for the accumulation of grain and its transshipment from ships to railway carriages.

In 1922, the Odesa port was included in receiving foreign humanitarian bread and purchased seeds (import). This was caused by the spread of famine in the Volga region and the urgent need for extra places for unloading aid with its subsequent export to Russia. In addition, of all the ports, only Odesa met the necessary conditions for receiving and servicing large ships. Its involvement in the transit of humanitarian grain affected the recognition of famine in Ukraine and the beginning of foreign aid to the affected provinces. Other Azov and Black Sea ports received smaller tonnage foreign steamships. They were also used as transit points for aid bread and seeds received from Odesa, with subsequent delivery to the starving regions of Ukraine.

Simultaneously with the reception of humanitarian bread at the end of 1922, the communist regime resumed the export of grain through Ukrainian ports. The ruling role in this process was secured by Mykolaiv Port, which had the appropriate infrastructure. After all, focusing on the next export campaign, at the beginning of 1923, the preparation of the water area and infrastructure of all Ukrainian ports began. In general, grain operations were one of the main factors that influenced the recovery of Ukrainian ports during the famine of 1921-1923.


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How to Cite
Baikienich, D. (2024). Grain Operations in Ukrainian Ports During the Famine of 1921-1923. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (4(44), 86-104.
Modern History