Mykhailo Hrushevskyi’s Student Audience of Non-Ukrainian Origin at Lviv University: Reconstruction Attempt
The purpose of the research paper is to reconstruct M. Hrushevskyi’s student audience of non-Ukrainian origin at Lviv University, namely to find out its quantitative parameters, ethnic composition, and didactic preferences.
The scientific novelty of the study is in the first special attempt at a comprehensive reconstruction of M. Hrushevskyi’s student audience of non-Ukrainian origin at Lviv University.
Conclusions. The processed dean’s office catalogs show M. Hrushevskyi as a popular lecturer not only among Ukrainian students but also among young people of foreign origin. Poles and Jews dominated almost equally among the ethnic actors of the historian’s didactic scene at Lviv University. Choosing the elective courses of the Ukrainian professor, they were focused both on deepening their professional knowledge and, for the most part, on clarifying the peculiarities of the history and culture of their native lands, which in the mental geography of that time were labeled as Eastern European. Along with them, a few Russians, Germans, Czechs, as well as one Belarusian and one Slovenian student attended M. Hrushevskyi’s course Selected Issues in the History of Eastern Europe.
Given their further professional career, cultural and educational motives dominated their motivation. Currently, it is difficult to say how convincing M. Hrushevskyi’s historical reconstructions, performed from the point of view of Ukrainian historical interest, turned out to be for young people of foreign ethnic origin. However, the experience of deconstructing imperial narratives gained in his lectures made them as later public intellectuals, if not agree with the political aspirations of Ukrainians, but at least to recognize their right to their own history and culture. In this way, the enlightening pedagogical work of M. Hrushevskyi contributed to the building up of an intercultural dialogue between Ukrainians and representatives of other nations. The study of the impact of that dialogue on international relations in Central and Eastern Europe in the first half of the 20th century is a promising issue of modern intellectual history.
Funding. The work support rendered by CIUS (from the Stephen and Olga Pawliuk Endowment Fund).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Vitalii Telvak, Viktoria Telvak
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