Contribution of Poltava Agricultural Society (1865-1920) to Scientific and Information Support of Agricultural Sector
The purpose of the research paper is to supplement and summarize information on the contribution of Poltava Agricultural Society to the scientific and informational support of the agricultural sector at the end of the 19th – early 20th century, to identify the main forms of oral and printed knowledge promotion, and to uncover the course of discussions between members of the Society and agricultural experts on this issue.
Scientific novelty. Information on the activities of the Society through the prism of its scientific and informational provision of the agricultural sector is supplemented, and in particular, the main factors that prompted experts to establish their press organs, the work to popularize domestic and foreign experience in agriculture both on the pages of their print periodicals and in lectures, the driving forces for the initiation of sectoral readings and courses for the population, their duration and content are analyzed.
Conclusions. Poltava Agricultural Society is one of the oldest scientific institutions in the country, established to conduct scientific research, as well as organizational, publishing, and popularization activities. It is found out that the Institution established and issued a number of journals, including ‘Khutorianyn’, ‘Pratsi Poltavskoi Silskohospodarskoi Doslidnoi Stantsii’, ‘Kalendar’, brochures, etc. The journal ‘Khutorianyn’ was in demand among readers, as evidenced by the constant growth of the number of subscribers to the periodical. As one of the best professional print periodicals, it was awarded a gold medal at the 4th Horticulture Exhibition. A great role in the production and spread of knowledge was played by the library of Poltava Agricultural Society, whose fund was constantly expanded with new publications. Important for the scientific and information support of agriculture was the activity of experimental fields, the results of which were presented in reports, listened to at meetings of the Society, and covered in print periodicals. It is brought to light that the members of the Society addressed the organization of public readings and courses systematically, a special commission was formed, with the efforts of which literature and illustrated material were purchased, reading topics were selected, the duration of the classes was determined, lecturers were invited, and the appropriate premises were provided.
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