Mykhailo Hrushevsky in the Works of His French Colleagues: Problems of Reception
The purpose of the research paper is to find out the peculiarities of the reception of the scientific and socio-political activity of M. Hrushevsky in the environment of French intellectuals of the first third of the 20th century.
The scientific novelty of the study is in the first special attempt at a comprehensive reconstruction of French Hrushevskyi Study of the first third of the 20th century.
Conclusions. The processed information allows concluding about the mosaic nature of Hrushevskyi Studies reception in French intellectual culture of his time. Such specificity is particularly noticeable in comparison with systemic Polish, German or Czech scholars addressing M. Hrushevsky’s creative heritage. It happened, apparently, due to the initial stage of that time French Ukrainian Studies development, which, overcoming existing for a long time imperial Slavic stereotypes, only tried to form a notion of the disciplinary autonomy of Ukrainian language, literature, and, later, historical science. The eloquent testimony of that was the fact that during the studied period among the reviewers of M. Hrushevsky’s texts, there was not any historian Sensu Stricto. And the above-mentioned French philologists and linguists focused their attention not so much on the professional aspects of the scholar’s historiographical discourse, but on the national and cultural significance of his multifaceted work.
Thanks to the works and periodicals of M. Hrushevsky, while discovering the previously unknown Eastern Slavic nation, his French colleagues constructed the image of a scholar as an awakener for his compatriots and a tireless popularizer of Ukrainian cultural heritage among the Western European intelligentsia. In general, the analyzed French Hrushevsky Study became an important component of the Ukrainian-French intellectual dialogue of the late 19th – the first third of the 20th century
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