Pre-revolutionary Press as a Source on History of Jewish Intercontinental Migration in the late 19th – early 20th Century
The issue of studying the history of Jewish migration during the late 19th – early 20th century is widely studied by foreign scholars. However, due to the political, communicative, and cultural barriers created in the Soviet era, most of the study results of foreign scholars until nowadays remained completely unknown to Ukrainian public, just as Ukrainian-language sources fell out of the subject field of the world historical science.
The goal of the study is to analyze the Ukrainian pre-revolutionary press, to understand the place and role assigned to the phenomenon of Jewish intercontinental and international migration in the public discourse of that time, to disclose its reasons and consequences for recipient and donor countries. The objectives of the following study are: to analyze Ukrainian pre-revolutionary periodicals (newspapers: ‘Rada’, ‘Utro’, ‘Kievlianin’), which uncovered the essence of Jewish intercontinental migrations in the late 19th – early 20th century; to assess their informative potential to find out the causes, nature, directions, quantitative indicators and social composition of migration waves; to outline the specifics of Ukrainian periodicals, differentiating them from official Russian imperial sources in covering the issue of Jewish migration; to characterize periodical materials, having defined their structure and peculiarities of creation; to compare the information of periodicals with the information of a complex of historiographical, descriptive and statistical, and archival sources; to find out the degree of certainty of pre-revolutionary periodical materials.
Today, more and more studies are emerging on the history of Jewish intercontinental migration in the late 19th – early 20th century. The authors address previously unstudied issues of the role of women and sexual exploitation in the mentioned processes. An important source, along with archival materials, sources of personal origin, and memoirs of the migration movements participants, is the periodical press, on the pages of which, along with official and statistical information, you can find informative reports and personal impressions of the reporters directly from the scene. The pre-revolutionary press is an important information-rich source, which requires further thorough scientific study.
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