Ukrainian-Language Education in Galicia in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Century: Source Study Analysis
An important factor in the national movement of Ukrainians in Galicia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century became the formation of Ukrainian-language primary and secondary education, the struggle for a Ukrainian university in Lviv, and so on. Since the chosen issue was studied mainly by specialists in pedagogy, its source study aspects, which contribute to the proper level of issue studying and critical analysis of sources, were left out of the scholars’ attention. This states the relevance of the paper.
The goal of the paper is to classify and critically analyze the sources describing the educational processes in Galicia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century.
To perform this goal, we have identified the following groups of sources: 1) documents of an official nature (primarily legislative acts, decisions of the Crownland School Council and the Galician Diet; 2) statistical materials (documents of official and unofficial statistics); 3) social and political works (primarily the works of outstanding public and cultural figures); 4) sources of personal origin (autobiographies, memoirs, and letters of teachers); 5) materials of periodicals (newspaper and magazine articles on educational issues).
We believe that the most informative sources in this context are the School Law of May 14, 1869, which introduced compulsory secular and free education for all children, Organizational Outline of the Gymnasia and Technical Schools in Austria, adopted on September 15, 1849, and Organizational Charter for Male and Female Teachers’ Seminaries of 1871-1874 and 1909, documents of the Crownland School Council, collections of the Galician Crownland Statistical Bureau, reports on the activities of Ukrainian societies and educational institutions, social and political works of I. Franko and M. Hrushevskyi, autobiographies, memoirs, letters of Ukrainian teachers of the region, policy articles and statistical studies of the main periodicals of Galicia.
It has been found out that each source group has its own features and specifics, which were taken into account in the selection of research methods for studying the source complex on the history of the education of Ukrainians in the region. Their source importance is in the possibility to make a complete and comprehensive reconstruction of the educational processes of Galicia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century and to uncover insufficiently studied aspects of this issue.
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