Activities of Historical and Philosophical Section of Shevchenko Scientific Society in Germany in 1947-1952
The main activities of the Historical and Philosophical Section of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) in Germany in 1947-1952, which active members were well-known scientists B. Krupnytskyi, P. Kurinnyi, I. Mirchuk, O. Ohloblyn, N. Polonska-Vasylenko, and others are analyzed in the paper. It consisted of five commissions: Archeological, Historical, Law and Social Sciences, Philosophical and Pedagogical, Musicological. It is proved that the work of sections and commissions was regulated by the Statute of the NTSh, which did not set the time and periodicity of their scientific meetings. Accordingly, they were held as needed.
It is found out that the leading areas of the section and commissions activities were the organization and holding of scientific meetings, participation in joint scientific forums dedicated to Shevchenko Days, and publication of works on the pages of society’s periodicals and series of issues.
It should be mentioned that Shevchenko forums became a good tradition not only in the NTSh but also in the UVAN (Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences). They served not only as a platform for reporting on various aspects of the Kobzar's life and multifaceted activities but also for summarizing the annual work of the institutions and outlining plans for the future.
An important achievement of the members of the section was the publication of three volumes of the ‘Memoirs of the Scientific Ševčenko Society’. The first of them is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the revolution of Khmelnitskyi (1648-1948), the other two are the monographs by L. Okinševyč ‘The Nobility in the Ukrainian State of the XVIIth – XVIIIth centuries’ and A. Yakovliv ‘Ukrainian Code of the Year 1743. Statute According to which the Ukrainian people are Judge’. These works have not lost their relevance even up to the present time.
The scholars of the section made a significant contribution to the preparation of the materials of the ‘Encyclopedia of Ukraine’ general part, by the publication of which they tried to fill the lack of objective information on various fields of knowledge about Ukraine and its historical past for Ukrainians who for some reason emigrated and lived around the world.
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