Hydraulic Works in Kherson Province during Stolypin Agrarian Reform
One of the important aspects of Stolypin agrarian reform introduction in Kherson Province – the process of hydraulic works in land management areas is analyzed in the paper. It is noted that the hydraulic organization in the province began to be introduced in 1907, and was facilitated by problems with water supply, which hampered the development of isolated farmsteads (khutir) and plots of land (vidrub). In the period of 1907-1909, hydraulic work in the province was limited to drilling and building wells.
The issue of establishing a hydraulic service in Kherson Province is considered. The province was not provided with the staff of hydraulic engineers to the extent that should have met the needs of the reform.
The results of the hydrogeological surveys and hydraulic works in Yelysavetgrad County (povit) headed by Professor J. Kobetskyi in 1910-1912 are studied. The role of county zemstvos in organizing and conducting such works in the region is determined. It is ascertained that more active planned hydraulic works in land management areas in Kherson Province began in 1913, which was facilitated by the decision of the State Duma to include land reclamation among the most important activities of the state, as well as increased financing of hydraulic works by the Department of Land Improvement. It is noted that with the beginning of the First World War, hydraulic works in the Russian Empire were suspended.
It is proved that due to the complexity and capital intensity of expense, as well as the lack of qualified specialists, the amount of hydraulic work in Kherson Province could not meet the volume required by land management.
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