Professor Luchytsky in Eugene Tarle memoirs

Keywords: Ivan Luchytsky, Yevhen Tarle, memoirs, St. Volodymyr University, School of Historians of St. Volodymyr University


The article honors the personality of the Professor of World History of the University of St. Volodymyr Ivan Luchitsky (1845-1918) in the jubilee 175 year from the date of his birth through the analysis of Eugen Tarle memories about his teacher, the study of Ivan Luchitsky life and activity, and the review of Eugen Tarle life and activity (1874-1955), as well as the study of the teacher’s influence on Eugen Tarle.

The study used a personalistic approach, historical-genetic and historical-typological methods. Analysis of Eugen Tarle memories allowed us to reveal the personality of Ivan Luchitsky as a university lecturer and scientist and to establish that by his research activities Professor Luchitsky educated future historians as independent researchers and encouraged them to work independently on sources; he always acquainted students with his arguments and his research search, he insisted that for a historian there are no interesting or uninteresting peoples, history is always fascinating.

We revealed that Professor Luchitsky chose for special courses the themes that the most attracted him as a scientist and that he skilfully revealed them, captivating the students with the understanding of the historical process. We found out that the research activity for Ivan Luchitsky was the very important in his life, that he passionately fought for the expansion of historical vision.

The originality and scientific novelty of the article consists in the study of the influence of Ivan Luchitsky on Eugen Tarle. We established that Eugen Tarle as a scientist was formed at the University of St. Volodymyr in Kyiv under the guidance of his scientific supervisor Professor Luchitsky; that Ivan Luchitsky influence on Eugen Tarle was reflected in the choice of scientific direction, which predetermined all further scientific interest of Eugen Tarle; that Eugen Tarle inherited from Ivan Luchitsky the interest to study the history of France and its socio-economic problems; that he acquired the skills and techniques of processing historical sources from his teacher; that the influence of Ivan Luchytsky as a researcher impacted Eugen Tarle to delve into the archival search and he found and included into scientific circulation a huge array of unknown documents and materials.

It is noted that Ivan Luchytsky and Eugen Tarle received a world recognition while still alive, they were awarded by honorary titles of scientific institutions of many countries, their lectures were popular among students, both scholars had a broad outlook, thoroughly knew foreign archives, deeply understood various factors of the historical process, easily and clearly expressed their thoughts, and had an original literary style.

It is established that the personalities of Ivan Luchitsky and Eugen Tarle decorate the pleiad of representatives of the School of Historians of St. Volodymyr University.


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How to Cite
Tarasenko, O. (2021). Professor Luchytsky in Eugene Tarle memoirs. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (4(32), 61-69.
History of Ukraine