Historical Geography of Chornyi Lis Culture

Keywords: historical geography, historical atlas, Chornyi Lis culture, area of spreading


The process of the archaeological study of the Chornyi Lis culture by historical geography as a research area and academic discipline is analyzed in the paper. Historical geography is quite close in the methods and results of the study with archeology. The archaeological study gives the opportunity to learn about the area of particular culture sites spreading. As of today, there is no scientific study on the creation of an impartial historical geography of the Chornyi Lis culture.

The goal of the paper is to summarize information about the geographical area of the Chornyi Lis culture. In this regard, the objective is to analyze the history of the formation of archaeological maps of the Chornyi Lis culture, to trace the representation of archaeological study in cartographic products for secondary and high school, to compare the areas of the Chornyi Lis culture sites and the Slavic homeland spreading.

The author accentuates the particular role of O. Terenozhkin and other scholars’ scientific work in the study of the forest-steppe area of the Right Bank region. After many years of study of the Chornyi Lis archeological culture, topographic and historical maps have been compiled. The scholars drew conclusions about the local variants and nature of migration of the Chornyi Lis culture tribes. In general, the territory of the settlement of the Chornyi Lis culture tribes covers large areas of the forest-steppe zone from the Zbruch River in the west to the Oril and Samara rivers in the east, and the northern and southern boundaries are adjacent to the forest and steppe zones. Recent archaeological findings confirm the northern and western boundaries of the settlement area.

The results of the study were used in compiling universal and high school historical atlases. It is noted that the first historical atlases were published outside Ukraine and did not contain information on the Chornyi Lis culture. As a result of combining the efforts of archaeologists, historians, and cartographers, we have complete information on the settlement pattern of the Early Iron Age tribes of the Chornyi Lis culture in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. According to many scholars, this area coincides with the probable ancestral homeland of the Slavs and is interpreted in this way by modern historical geography.


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How to Cite
Vivsyana, I. (2021). Historical Geography of Chornyi Lis Culture. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (4(32), 19-28. https://doi.org/10.33782/eminak2020.4(32).460