Post-Reform Ukrainian Village in Agricultural Studies of Kyiv School Scholars

Keywords: historiographical analysis, research, scholar school, agrarian history, post-reform Ukrainian village


The scientific achievements of the representatives of Kyiv School of Agrarian Historians of the Independence Age, devoted to the problems of the post-reform Ukrainian village life, are analyzed because Kyiv School of Agrarian Historians is a powerful scholar school of peasant studies which representatives are aimed at realizing the scientific potential for studying the history of Ukrainian peasantry in different periods of national history.

A historiographical analysis of modern Ukrainian scientific literature devoted to the little-studied aspects of the agricultural history of the second half of the 19th – early 20th century in general and the history of Ukrainian peasantry in particular, is performed. An attempt to systematize the achievements of modern Ukrainian historiography on this issue is made.

It is emphasized that the historiographical analysis of the Independence Period scientific literature on the history of Ukrainian peasantry of the second half of the 19th – early 20th century, characterized by new theoretical and methodological approaches, conceptual positions, and the reassessment of historical knowledge of previous periods, will promote political as well as social and economic aspects of peasantry life development in the period of commodity-money relations.

The scientific studies of O. Reient, O. Kryzhanivska, S. Padalka, V. Molchanov, A. Morozov, I. Farenii, Yu. Prysiazhniuk and others are of great interest for a comprehensive historiographical analysis of the post-reform Ukrainian village problems.

It is concluded that a significant number of researches conducted by the representatives of Kyiv School of Agrarian Historians were devoted to the issues that were either out of the attention of Ukrainian historians or require a rethinking of their content taking into account new conceptual approaches to the interpretation of historical processes.


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How to Cite
Svyaschenko, Z. (2020). Post-Reform Ukrainian Village in Agricultural Studies of Kyiv School Scholars. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (2(30), 220-228.
Historiography, Source Study and Special Historical Disciplines