Cultural Processes in the Rural Areas of Transnistria, 1941-1944

Keywords: Transnistria, occupation, culture, religion, education, Romanianization


The issue of cultural policy of the Romanian occupation administration in the Transnistrian countryside in 1941-1944.

It is established that one of the important steps of the Romanian administration towards ideological support of its presence and functioning of the authorities in the territory of Southwestern Ukraine was a policy aimed at supporting the Orthodox Church, education and culture as a whole in the occupied territories.

To achieve this goal, the Romanian Orthodox Mission in Transnistria was established. The main task of this religious group was the organization and management of church-religious life in the territory of the Bug-Dniester rivers. The Romanian Orthodox mission has launched activities to spread the Christian doctrine among the population, its catechesis and conversion of people to God, as well as the restoration, restoration and commissioning of church buildings in Transnistria.

One of the primary tasks for the new government was to restore the functioning of primary and secondary education. Transnistria governorate implemented a Romanian school system where primary education was compulsory and reading, reading and writing skills were compulsory for all children and teens. In the process of organization the invasive process, the occupying power introduced a synthesis of the adjusted Soviet training programs and programs, which were officially studied in the Romanian kingdom. Much attention was paid to the organization of various groups of amateur art and aesthetic education of children.

It has been established that in the cities of Romanian administration, from the first days of the occupation, started to set activities of recreation establishments, and only then began to worry about opening similar foundtions in county centers, and occasionally tried to organize something like the average rural resident. One of the centers organizations of recreation for the local population became the Romanian cultural circles which were opened both in county centers and in villages of «Transnistria».

Despite considerable progress in setting cultural and educational work in rural areas of these lands. However, all these measures were used by the Transnistria administration in the first place for the systematic and forced Romanianization for the local, overwhelmingly rural population.


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How to Cite
Osypenko, O. (2020). Cultural Processes in the Rural Areas of Transnistria, 1941-1944. Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal, (2(30), 167-179.
History of Ukraine