Personality of General O.O. Zahrodskyi (Based on Memoirs)
The relevance of the study of the personality of Zahrodskyi as a soldier is primarily caused by a lack of separate study analyzing his life path in the context of military service in a difficult period of military and political struggle for the independence of Ukraine. In addition, it corresponds to the current trend in the modern historical science of Ukraine – the transition from the study of event history to the study of personalities who have made a significant contribution to the development of society and the variety of its existence.
Thus the goal of the paper is to trace through the person of O.O. Zahrodskyi the process of forming the personality of a professional soldier against the background of the national liberation struggles of 1917-1921 in their diversity, the difficulties of everyday life, and in particular, the successes and failures of the struggle far beyond the studied period. The goal is realized through the implementation of tasks, including the consecutive study of Zagrodskyi’s life path overfilled with a daily sense of tension due to the combat situation, and to analyze his professional activity and the process of formation as a commander. Everyday control of a large military unit, making and analysis of decisions opened up various aspects of the personality of Zagrodskyi as a soldier for understanding and analyzing.
In conclusion, we should note that the understanding of all the aspects of his personality was the result of the study of a great number and variety of opinions and judgments in the array of memoirs. Quantitatively rich in various facts about Zahrodskyi as a soldier, the information array significantly enriched the knowledge space of the national liberation struggles period, and not only concerning the head of Volyn Composite Group of Forces, General O.O. Zahrodskyi.
From the point of view of prospects, the review of the studied memoir literature revealed certain information lacunae that need to be filled with further research in the future. It’s about the conditions and process of the internment of military units of the UNR Army on the territory of Poland, the organization of their internal life, the end of the internment period, and the afterlife of ordinary soldiers and officers of the UNR Army. We are also talking about Volyn composite group (after internment it was reorganized into a Separate Volyn Division), the materials about which are stored in the Central State Archives of Ukraine (funds 2282, 3238).
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