Activities of Agro-Ameliorator M.O. Tiuleniev (1889-1969) at Swamp Research Stations
The paper gives the characteristic of the contribution of Ukrainian agro-ameliorator, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Professor Mykola Oleksandrovych Tiuleniev (1889-1969) to the development of swamp research stations of Ukraine, in particular, Minsk Swamp Experimental Station, Kozarovytchi Scientific and Research Ameliorative Station, Rudnya-Radovel Swamp Amelioration Research Station, Panfyly-Yahotyn Central Swamp Base of the Research Institute of Agricultural Amelioration of Ukraine. The scientist rose from a simple agrochemist to the director of Rudnya-Radovel Swamp Amelioration Research Station and the head and organizer of scientific research at Panfyly-Yahotyn Central Swamp Base.
In particular, M.O. Tiuleniev was directly involved in the establishing of Kozarovytchi Scientific and Research Ameliorative Station (1922), which was considered the main research institution in the state engaged in identifying and developing of basic technical methods and improving the methods of amelioration and cultivation of meadows. M.O. Tiuleniev, together with colleagues, developed the Charter of the station, became a member of its Council. For almost 10 years (1923-1932) M.O. Tiuleniev performed the duties of the director of Rudnya-Radovel Swamp Amelioration Research Station and made it a promising research institution specialized in the study and the processes of swamp soils drainage.
M.O. Tiuleniev is the author of over 200 research papers on agro-amelioration. The scientist is rightly called a recognized classic of land research and amelioration of the Soviet period. Moreover, since the mid-1960s, the cultivation of swamps as a study of swamp natural characteristics and transformation of low-productive areas into highly productive fields was comprehensively developing in the professional scientific environment. The achievements of Ukrainian scientists to study the nature of swamps and peatlands, properties of peat, swamp soils, progress in drainage and hydraulic amelioration and agrotechnical measures of agriculture declared the institutional framework of a new component of agro-ameliorative research, that is the cultivation of swamps, combining the knowledge in swamp study, soil study, amelioration and agrotechnology of agricultural crops. An extraordinary role in this belongs to the Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Professor M. O. Tiuleniev, whose scientific findings were actively used in the Ukrainian SSR during the swamp drainage period.
The author used historical and genetic, historical and chronological, problematic, historical and comparative, personological and biographical methods. In addition, the methods of systematization and source study criticism were used.
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