Register of Estate Distribution among the Heirs of Hadiach Colonel Fedir Krynytskyi (1678)
Information about Fedir Mykhailovych Krynytskyi, General Chancellor (1668), Hadiach Colonel (1672-1678) is analyzed in the paper. History of Ukraine of the second half of the 17th century, especially in the fields of biography study and genealogy, is full of lacunae. The studied person, despite his significant position in the Cossack government, remains a little-known personality in that period of the history of Ukraine. This makes the study relevant because its important component is the archival document introducing into scientific circulation.
The goal of the paper is to collect and analyze all known sources of information and historiography about Hadiach Colonel Fedir Krynytskyi and to publish a newly found, previously unknown archival document from the Manuscript Department Fund of the Scientific Library of Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow.
Fedir Krynytskyi, before the campaign near Chyhyryn, where he was killed in 1678, left the testament and the register of estate distribution. Such practice was traditional for Cossack officers in a warring state. The testament is lost. The document, first published in this paper, is a part of the testament. This is the register of estate distribution among the heirs of the deceased Hadiach Colonel F. Krynytskyi. The register is divided into three parts, which list the assets assigned to two sons and the eldest daughter of the Colonel. Having analyzed the document, we can state that the register is incomplete. There are no parts assigned to the younger daughter and his wife (it is possible that there were several younger daughters). The register shows the Colonel’s wealth and gives the opportunity to study the history of the everyday life of Cossack officers.
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