Social and Cultural Transformations in the Life of Ukrainian Peasantry of Independence Epoch: Historiographical Dimension
During the 1990s – the beginning of the 21st century, the representatives of Kyiv school of agrarian history achieved significant results in the highlighting of analysis of social and cultural transformations in Ukrainian peasantry life during the independence period.
The goal of the paper is to analyze the priorities of the representatives of Kyiv school agrarian studies in highlighting the issues of social and cultural transformations in the life of Ukrainian village of the post-Soviet period.
The author studies the highlighting areas of various aspects of Ukrainian peasantry in the post-Soviet period social environment. The attention is drawn to the assessment of social and cultural transformations in the life of Ukrainian village of the post-Soviet period by Ukrainian modern researchers. The scholars’ researches results on the problems of changes in the social structure, changes in the social and demographic composition of the villagers, social and cultural changes as a significant component of the representatives of Kyiv school of agricultural history research work are characterized.
It is concluded that the highlighting of social and cultural transformations in the life of Ukrainian peasantry of the post-Soviet period is an important component of the scientific interests of the representatives of Kyiv school of agrarian history, which convincingly substantiates the importance of studies of changes in the social infrastructure of rural residents and social and cultural transformations. The accent is made on the fundamental nature and objectivity of agricultural historians highlighting the processes of reconfiguration of peasantry social structure, the dynamics of the peasantry standard of living, their employment and well-being, the demographic situation in the rural areas, the state of rural culture and cultural and residential infrastructure.
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