Political and Behind-the-Scenes Intrigues around the Hetmanate in 1709-1764: View of Ukrainian Historians
The relevance of the paper is in the fact that now the historians’ community has got a great volume of collected research material that demands detailed studying, systematization, and generalization. Taking this into account, it is reasonable to pay attention to the scientific works of Ukrainian historians, focused on the study of the history of Hetmanate.
As of today, there are no researches with a systematic presentation of Ukrainian historians conceptual research bases, describing political peripeteias in the history of the Hetmanate of the period of 1709-1764, and this fact caused the choice of the research subject matter, the goal of which is to characterize the problem areas of studied political situation in Left-Bank Ukraine in the above-mentioned period.
The paper is based on the historiographical sources among which – monographs, scientific essays, and papers where the milestones of the political history of the Hetmanate of the 18th century are highlighted.
In the process of studying the issue, a complex of research methods is applied: an analysis method providing a comprehensive study of object components, and synthesis (a unification of these components in a unified system) and also special historical methods: chronological, historical and comparative, historical and typological and historical and genetic.
The problem areas, researched by Ukrainian historians while studying the history of the Hetmanate of the 18th century are determined in the paper, namely: attitude of the Hetmanate political elite to Petro I policy on the territory of Left-Bank Ukraine; peculiar features of establishing and functioning of Malorosiiska Kolehiia (Collegium of Little Russia); key aspects of origin and activity of the Cossack leaders through the prism of family ties; the liberalization processes in the Russian Empire after the death of Petro I and restoration of getmanship in Left-Bank Ukraine in 1727; «last page» of the existence of the Hetmanate.
The prospects of further study of the above-mentioned issues are determined and lie in the integration of the results of Ukrainian historical scientific researches in the context of this issue coverage in the general historiographical area, namely by comparing the conceptual foundations of Ukrainian historians with the highlighting of this issue by the historians of pre-revolutionary, Soviet historiography and the scholars from Diaspora.
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