Ukrainian Liberation Movement in Central Eastern Podillya in the 40-50s of the 20th Century in Ukrainians Memory
The paper describes the ways of formation and activity of the underground network of OUN (B) and OUN (M) on the territory of Central Eastern Podillya in the 40-50s of the 20th century. It is noted that the initial work on spreading propaganda and organization of its forces OUN began in summer 1941 with the sending of mobile groups along the route Ternopil – Proskuriv – Vinnytsia. However, OUN (B) and OUN (M) operated separately. Kamianets-Podilskyi district leadership of OUN (B) tried to form a network of lower OUN structures in Letychiv, Liakhivtsi, Yarmolyntsi, Khmelnytskyi, Dashev, Haysyn, Nemyriv. The leadership of OUN (M) launched a propaganda campaign in the newspaper «Vinnytski Visti». Roman Shukhevych, Vasyl Kuk, Zinovii Matla, Mykola Pavlyshyn, Mykola Lemyk-Senyshyn played an important role in the organization of mobile groups.
Regular combat training and the spread of nationalist ideology was facilitated by good education of OUN members, cooperation with the population on raising children in Ukrainian morale, and giving practical advice on counteracting Soviet propaganda.
A special place in the research work takes the highlighting of the process of formation and preservation of memory about national symbols, and the ideas of unity by OUN members. In particular, it is stated that one of the means of preserving and spreading the memory of nationalist ideas was honoring Ukrainian symbols through open wearing on sleeves. Some administrative buildings were flagged with national flags. Departments of Ukrainian militia, special militia posts (commandant offices) were established in towns and district centers of the region. Mass events also contributed to the rise of national consciousness and the restoration of historical memory.
Besides, the paper traces the influence of the state commemorative policy on the formation of the image of OUN and UPA in Ukrainian society. In particular, the activities of SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) and UINP (Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance) are described.
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