Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of Uman Teachers Institute in the Post-War Period (Post-War Years) 1946-1954
The paper describes the process of reconstruction, development, and activities of Uman State Teachers Institute after the Second World War as well as the state of its provision with the teaching staff and the state policy towards it, in the post-war period.
According to the order of People’s Commissar of Education of the Ukrainian SSR P.G. Tychyna, after whom Uman State Pedagogical University is named now, the official resumption of Uman State Teachers Institute activities took place immediately after the German troops had been expelled from the territory of the town. In June 1944, 18 lecturers were employed at both faculties of the Institute (Physics and Mathematics, and Natural Sciences and Geography), and in 1945, there already were 27 lecturers, but there still was the shortage of specialists in physics and physical training. It is the fact that after the Second World War there were not enough qualified lecturers with experience, and the work on a part-time basis was widespread. However, at Uman Teachers Institute, the vast majority of the teaching staff had more than 10 years’ experience in higher education.
Particular attention in the paper is paid to the analysis of the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Institute. The detailed information not only about lecturers work experience and party affiliation is given, but also about nationality, even status during World War II.
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