Formation of Brazil’s Foreign Policy from 1985 to 1995: from José Sarney to Itamar Franco
The attempts to analyze Brazil’s foreign policy from 1985 to 1995 is made in this paper. Particular attention is paid to the place of the Presidents of Brazil and their influence on the development of the country’s foreign policy. The factors that had influenced the forming of Brazil’s foreign policy in relations with the US, the EU, and Latin American countries are analyzed and the nature of their changes during the specified period is determined. While in the second half of the 1980s, Brazil focused solely on the United States and was dependent on its position, by the mid-1990s, it began to renounce the influence of Washington pursuing practically independent home and foreign policy. As a result, the country started to develop its own Latin American policy, established, together with Argentina and other Southern Cone countries, the MERCOSUR. Besides, after the end of the Cold War, Brazil began to develop alternative foreign policy directions, getting closer to the European Union, China, and the developing countries. In doing so, Brazil is positioning itself as the leader of South America and a full-fledged world player.
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