Organizational Activity of Ukrainian Women’s Societies in Eastern Galicia on the Regional Press Pages (1887-1939)
The paper deals with the women’s press from the last quarter of the 19th century until the Second World War. The way in which the press represented its societies is studied, and the dynamics of the development of women’s periodicals is shown, in particular, how it changed the coverage of the organizational activities of the associations: principles and methods of work in branches, circles, availability of resource base, psychological features of women delegates, etc. Particular attention is paid to the largest society in Eastern Galicia – the «Union of Ukrainian Women» and its publications – «Zhinocha dolya» (Women’s Destiny), «Zhinocha volya» (Women’s Will), «Zhinka» (Woman) and others. Besides, the following magazines are mentioned: «Ruska nyva» (Russian Field), «Zhinochyi golos» (Women’s Voice). The editors of the publications are also briefly characterized.
The correlation between the organizational condition of the societies and their press activity is proved. Through magazines, the societies promptly informed their members and the public in different parts of the region about the labour and propagated their ideas. The ideological growth of the Ukrainian women’s movement is scientifically substantiated in the paper. During the period under review in the mentioned issues political and family rights of women were discussed, the achievements of neighboring countries were uncovered, and at the same time, the right of women to get higher education was emphasized.
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